Sunday, December 6, 2009

Saludos del Planeta Bacán

The partnership between MUAN, Anima Escola and the Planeta Bacán project was a success! Our friends from Chile said they've been surprised with the quality of the short films produced by the students from the schools included in the campaign. According to Cecília Anriquez, from IBM Chile, "great part of this success comes from the preparation process given to the educators. And, from now on, the students will certainly wish to participate in the next edition of Anima Mundi!" :)

Watch here the competition winner short film, En el amor y en la guerra todos reciclamos:

The films were always produced under the theme "An intelligent planet". And the result was really clever, isn't it? You can check all the other shorts (and also improve your spanish) in Planeta Bacán website's gallery.

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