The Tale of How (2007), a film by Ree Treweek and Jannes Hendrikz
featured in South Africa special exibition
featured in South Africa special exibition
As Soccer fans, we are profoundly sad about Brazil's departure in World Cup. But, if there's any consolation for us, we can say that Brazil is always very well represented every year in Anima Mundi. And in this edition the same applies to the venue for the 2010 World Cup: the South Africa special program will offer a sample of what is best in animation from the country, revealing the variety of styles and aesthetics of this industry in development .
Brent Dawes' Because You’re Gorgeous (2007)
South Africa is still relatively unknown in the world of animation. But that is about to change, and we hope that this collection of films (the first of its kind outside the country) highlights the diversity of this growing industry. Altogether, the program presents 28 South African animations, including short features, video clips, commercial and institutional films, compiled by Animation SA, a nonprofit organization that represents the animation in South Africa.

Anthony Silverston's The Slipper Cycle (2003)
As examples of the animation in South Africa is booming and deserves to be seen, three features are in production now in the country, to be released next year: The Lion of Judah, Jock of the Bushveld and Zambezia. And for those who work in local industry, we hope that 2010 is also remembered as the year that the local animation has become world famous!
Jacquie Trowell's Beyond Freedom (2006), an animation that mixes
different techniques to discuss about the struggle toward democracy and freedom.
By the way, we also would like to show some sportsmanship here at Anima Mundi: Netherlands brings 10 productions to the festival this year, and five of them are in the competitive program :)
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